Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Notes from Soar Meeting 9/14/09

Hi everyone! Here are the notes from this weeks meeting in case you missed it!

First off, please note : Our meeting place has changed. It is no longer in the second floor lounge of maple east. It has changed to the ground floor of maple east in room G60

- If you ordered a T-shirt from last semester and have not payed for it / picked it up yet please do so asap!

- Chalk on the Walk : Tuesday September 22 at 7:00pm in the Oak grove. This event is for RAINN Day. We will be decorating the side walks to support RAINN day, the the following day on Wednesday the 23rd . We will be tracing our hands and writing "these hands are not for hurting". We also need statistics to write relating to sexual assault and alcohol use. If you would like to look up statistics, please send them to

RAINN stands for Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network . If you would like more information about this organization please visit their website at RAINN.ORG

-IUP Day : This event is this Saturday, September 19th from 1pm to 6pm in the courtyard between Maple east/west and Delany/Putt. Set up starts at noon. If you would like to help set up, take down or sit at the table please email with the times you would be avaiable to help out.

- October Wellness Fest : This is an event that is being hosted by the Center for Health and Well Being to educate students on what services are available to them on campus. It will be held Tuesday, October 1st from 11am - 3pm. The planning for this event is still not finalized yet and we still need to brainstorm some ideas for flyer ideas. If you have any please email them to This event will be discussed more at the upcoming meeting on Monday.

- Homecoming Ideas : The homecoming game is Saturday, October 10th at 2pm. We discussed some ideas. They include : Huddle in the Courtyard after the game and setting up a table in the Oak Grove during pre game and the kids carnival at 10:30am to hand out information These ideas will both be discussed further at upcoming meetings.

- We would like to work closer with RHC (Residence hall committee) this year. Some events that we have brainstormed are Penny Wars and selling "The crimson cloth" for sporting events. We will be discussing this further at upcoming meetings.

And lastly, congratulations to Katie Yakopovich, she was elected our new Public Relations officer!


Anonymous said...

LOVE what you guys have done with the blog and it looks like you've got a lot to look forward to this semester... good luck!!

<3 lizzzz

IUP SOAR said...

Thanks Liz! :)